It’s Time to Vote
Dear and Gentle Citizens of Carlton Landing:
Very Good News: Thanks to the hard work or our Governing Body And our very capable Administrative team, and Lawyers, our request for an election has been approved by the Pittsburg County Election Board. On February 9, 2016 you, the qualified voters of Carlton Landing will have the opportunity to provide much needed funds so that our vision of a vibrant lake community can be realized sooner.
Very soon, Carla will post on the website Resolution 28 (passed by the Trustees at our November meeting) which calls for an election in which we will vote to issue a Bond which will provide funds for improvements to the Town. There are 6 Propositions. The resolution is a bit complex, so please study the propositions carefully and make an informed decision.
Why is the election being held by the county? Because of the importance of the question, the lawyers thought it best to have the county hold the election.
Will there be absentee ballots? More info to come on that. I hope so, since the county is holding the election, but don’t know.
If you have not done so, please register to vote in Carlton Landing ASAP. This is a chance to have your opinion count!
More info to come as it unfolds
Thank you, Joanne