Voter Registration
Carlton Landing conducts business under the Town Meeting Act (Title 11 of the Oklahoma Statutes). This Act applies to towns with fewer than 2,000 residents. The Act provides guidance for the election process, which is different than that of the County Election Board regarding how and where the election is conducted, and who conducts the election. Under this Act at Carlton Landing, the Town Board officials are responsible for holding the town meeting and conducting the election at a designated location within Carlton Landing. Elections will be held at the same time as other municipal elections governed by statute. A regularly scheduled biennial (once each 2 years) meeting of the voters must be held on the first Tuesday in April in each odd-numbered year. Special town meetings may be called at others times in accordance with the Act.
Who can vote? To be eligible to vote at a town meeting, a person must be registered with the Pittsburg County Election Board at an address located within Carlton Landing. Each registered voter must sign the poll book before being seated. This poll book signature constitutes a sworn affidavit that the person is eligible to vote.
Who can be a candidate? A candidate must be a registered voter at an address within Carlton Landing for at least 6 months prior to the election.
How to register: To start or change your voter registration, follow the guidance from the Oklahoma State Election Board at